Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Empty space on sunday afternoon

I took this photo on sunday afternoon. The city seemed empty, the weather was clear and hot and no tramway was coming, so I decided to shot... That's all !
In Lyon, you have to tramways lines that can lead you to the main spots of the city. Urban transports are very developped...


Monsieur Pain d'épices said...

une autre approche du velo...

Anonymous said...

But, yes, I think Lyon has a terrific transportation system. Unlike Paris, which is only metro+bus, Lyon has a very integrated network of bus + metro + tramway + funiculaire + velo'v. Perhaps you should write in more detail about the velo'v? It appears that some other towns have come here to Lyon to study how the system works. If you have a Tecely Card then it's really cheap. First hour free!

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I just noticed your long posting on velo'v. It's perfect.

Jean said...

Obviously, all your transportation is above ground.